We are involved in many areas of work within this nation. We seek to work with many agencies in the area of
social concern, humanitarian aid and reaching out to all the people groups found within this great nation.
We have personnel working across the whole diverse
spectrum from a Bible College in the Punjab, to a social self help program in the far North at Gilgit and beyond right up to the Hispar valley and China border. We are
seeking to assist in the North West Frontier Province with the great influx of refugees that are sweeping into the area from Afghanistan.
There are many un-reached people groups in Pakistan
and we are seeking to train, resource and release nationals to reach out across the social, cultural and language divide
We are seeking to reach out to the 'Stan' nations to the
North of Pakistan and are progressing towards making that vision a reality. We recently held a Prophetic conference in Lahore where 75 people were present.
Friday evening saw an outside gospel meeting where 400+ people attended as a result many gave their lives to Jesus. Prayer was made for the sick and many including two ladies who were blind testified to being
healed as prayer was made for them.